Difluorosulfonimide (LIFSI)

Difluorosulfonimide (LIFSI)

This process is a complete LiFSI process formed by DODGEN years of research and development experience combined with international advanced unit operation. Continuous technology program, technology is more advanced than other domestic production processes, and lasts more than five years.

Technical Introduction of LiFSI Process Technology截屏2024-05-15_上午9.35.31.jpg

Difluorosulfonimide (LIFSI) Process


Mature, advanced industrialization technical route


Modular continuous process

Characteristics of LiFSI  Process Technology


Technical level

Industry leader,single line production capacity of up to 20,000 tons, LIFSI salt yield of more than 90%, product purity of 99.95%. When the price of lithium carbonate is 50,000, the cost of LIFSI is controlled within 80,000; when the price of lithium carbonate is ¥500,000, the cost of LIFSI is controlled at about ¥160,000...


Technical characteristics

Continuous stable and reliable production, modular production, advanced engineering technology and equipment...


Technical route

Mature and stable three-step process, it does not produce a large amount of waste salt, stable quality control, high comprehensive utilization of resources...

Reaction and Separation Professional, Low Carbon Technology Partners
Reaction and Separation Professional, Low Carbon Technology Partners
Shanghai DODGEN Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.
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